Episode #12: Don't Waste The Pretty

Episode #12: Don't Waste The Pretty

As we pack-up our home here in Brooklyn to embark on a year-long adventure in France, (yes, I WILL be writing about our experiences), I have been challenged in the realm of time and space in getting all the things done in all the time allotted in the span of a day. As a person who struggles with perfectionism, I have also emotionally flogged myself for missing a second week of posting here on Substack since starting this labor of love in January. Some would say, “Not too shabby Lis’!”, or, “You only missed 2 weeks out of 7 months??! That’s amazing!”, but not me. I say to myself, “You missed two weeks.” So, there’s that. I hope you forgive me for the lag and more importantly, I hope I can forgive my damn self. I am only human, even though I pretend to be Wonder Woman.

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So today, in honoring the requests for more podcast recordings, and in honor of today’s official lyric video release of “Don’t Waste The Pretty”, I recorded the podcast version of my post from May 1st, 2024 (my birfday!) You can stream the single now on all the platforms like Here on Apple Music or Spotify (below). But you can also share it, playlist it, download it, take a listen to the official lyric video…whatever mode moves you.

There will be additional content posted this week for my paid subscribers. (hint: it’s a super-private journal entry from 2010. Boy was that a wake-up call!) Sooooooo, if you haven’t become a paid subscriber yet, please consider doing so. Not only does it super-duper help to sustain this SubStack, but you get to enjoy exclusive content that you truly won’t want to miss, especially as I ramp-up the memoir-ing! Btw, I also struggle with asking people for things. ;-)


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Welcome to LAUGHING MATTERS! A podcast about laughing at the things that are no laughing matter.