Aug 6Liked by Lisa St. Lou

Women act like victims so often and I can't stand it. Also, they seem to be the first to turn on each other.

Also, they will talk behind your back but never address the issue directly to you so they are cowards. And it does not seem to matter at all what issue it might concern.

And I agree with Tor, act like a man obviously seems to work quite well or we would not have been in the positions we have been and are in.

Also, I do support Trump. Politically, what is going on in this country under Biden and Harris has been far more detrimental than anything Trump has ever done. America no longer seems like America at all anymore. You have to pick the lesser of two evils.

And, regarding the trans thing, there's no way I'm using pronouns, screw that.

Hello, I got that crap off my chest !!!🤪

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I'm SO glad you got that off your chest Mary! :-) And I am so glad you felt free enough to express yourself. Everyone one should be able to read or listen to viewpoints and not get offended, throw their hands up and say, "I'm not listening to it." (in the words of my 3-year-old nephew.) I respect your views, you respect mine, and we are able to find common ground in the rest. THAT'S the kind of dialogue that inspires connectivity, not divisiveness. Thank you for listening and taking the time to comment. All love from Laughing Matters. Mwah!

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Liked by Lisa St. Lou

👏👏👏. Not a Trump guy here, but I get and respect what you’re saying.

Not a Biden/Harris guy either. Not really anyone’s guy. (Except I am Lisa’s guy 😂)

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Aug 8Liked by Lisa St. Lou

I trust no politician but I do respect Trump because in my heart I feel like he truly truly loves America. I really enjoyed your take on things.

And if one must vote which they should one must pick the lesser of two evils and there is no way in hell I would vote for Kamala Harris or tampon Mike.

You have one fine crazy lady there Tor..

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